Friday, July 4, 2014


Hi.  My name is Jane, pleased to meet you.

My life has been pretty wonky for some years now, but in the last year it has gone from mildly amusing to screwed the fuck up.

I've got this other blog, but for the most part it's a 4th of July parade down Main Street.  Lots of flag-waving freckle-faced kids sitting on curbs with Bomb Pop juice running down their chins and shit.  Mildly self-deprecating, but in such a way that I can still hold my head high when I walk into the grocery store or down the halls of my kids' school.

Because now I've got identities to protect.  My kids are getting big and apparently they don't like me to air their dirty laundry in cyber space where they think they've got reps.  And this husband of mine.  It simply wouldn't DO for me to vent on the inter webs where people know him.


Because you know what?  Damn it, I need to vent.

So this will be my safe little place where I can write freely.  If John is an asshat, I can come here and bitch away and no one will be the wiser.  Well, thats the plan, anyway.

And I'm hoping I can get some advice from those of you that have btdt, because I'm one of those Pollyannas that thought this was my one true love that I would be with forever and always.  It still hurts to think that we may not be, but then there are those times he just pisses me the fuck off and I feel on solid ground with the decisions I've made.

So there you have it.  The mission statement of this experimental blog.

Anyone listening?

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